thoughts on a photo - two

whistler wedding

There isn’t so much that’s interesting about this photo, rather what I love about it is that it brings me back to the day it was taken. 

It was late August and the rain was pretty much sideways. When I returned to the city I would discover that a storm had come up, strong enough to knock down trees and take out the power of multiple neighborhoods. This couple could care less. It was their wedding day!

Often, I get asked, what happens if it rains? I’m not sure what I’m expected to say here to be honest, as I can't control the weather. We get can go do photos at the Convention Centre, the only under cover place large enough to shoot portraits at. But is that what you want? We can stick to the original plan and go to the proposed location and use clear umbrellas. This works well but umbrellas can be limiting as it takes away a free arm. The last thing you can do is just embrace the rain. Yeah, you’re gonna get wet, but it’s probably not as bad as what you make it out to be. The couple in the photo came with umbrellas and we used them for photos at first, but they were okay with ditching them. They got wet, sure, but if you look at the photos from the rest of the day they definitely don’t look any worse for wear than as if it wasn’t raining. 

As you can tell this photo was shot in the woods, which actually helps keep you dryer due to the canopy cover. Having them stand on a stump to me represents their carefree attitude. Yeah it’s wet and that wooden stump is slippery, but were down for it! That’s what this photo says to me. This wedding was one of the funnest weddings I’ve ever shot and I think it largely had to do with the couples attitude which rubbed off onto everyone around them.

This photo was taken in Whistler, at Rebagliati Park.

Wilson Lau

Photographer of weddings, and people.