thoughts on a photo - fifteen

vancouver wedding

So many great photos are attributed to being at the right place, at the right time and being ready. To be honest, for this shot, I think I also had a bit of luck on my side.

The couple had just finished their sparker exit and was leaving in their limo. All their friends and family were waving goodbye so I was taking pictures of that as it was happening quite slowly. I don’t think I actually recall seeing this moment where the bride stuck her hand out the window to grab her friend's hand as I was just focusing on the guests.

Technically speaking this was the truth. I always select where my camera focuses by moving the focus dot around my screen. I think theres 51 dots or something like that. When you’re taking photos from further away, you’re usually not focused on something small, rather something larger and thats roughly the side of the focus dot. In the case of this photo, peoples faces were the size of the dot, so I was focused on them. It just so happened at the right time and moment I took a photo when the bride reached her hand out to her friend.

This photo was taken in Vancouver, BC. 

Wilson Lau

Photographer of weddings, and people.