thoughts on a photo - sixteen

tofino botanical gardens wedding

This shot here got me into astrophotography. We had just wrapped up one of the funnest weddings ever and were packing up when I looked up at the night sky and saw something that I’ve never seen before. The sky was littered with stars. It was so profound. There were so many stars it was like static on a television. When I stared at it long enough, my eyes started to adjust and realized that you could see the milky way with the naked eyes. It was one of the most amazing things I’ve ever seen.

I decided to walk out a little further into the gardens, away from the tent where the wedding was happening so that it would be darker which allowed me to see the stars better. Shortly after I stepped out I noticed the tent had this glowing aura of energy in a way, like what I was getting from the night sky. I decided to go back and get my camera to get a photo of both in the same shot.

To get this photo, I set my camera on a tripod, took one horizontal photo of the tent, and then took successive images as I panned the camera upwards until my camera was pointing straight up. Sky is just sky, so you don’t have to worry about distortion. As I panned my camera up, I adjusted my exposure accordingly as the tent was quite bright in contrast to the dark night, where as with the photo of the stars I wanted to get in as much light as possible. Afterwards, I manually blended these photos together in photoshop as the details in the night sky are too fine for photoshop to stitch together automatically.

This photo was taken in Tofino, BC. 

Wilson Lau

Photographer of weddings, and people.